You Know How the Story Goes
You suck in your gut. For weeks you felt your body changing. You get to the moment when you think to yourself, “I must do something about this.”
Then you say to yourself something along the lines of the following:
- “I'll start Monday.”
- “As soon as blah blah is over, that is when I will begin.” Or perhaps it is something like…
- “It's almost a new year. I will start then.”
I know all about what we tell ourselves because I have, in my life time, told myself the same.
Since I mentioned the beginning of a new year, this post is to meant to continue the discussion on the 5 Keys to Getting Healthy Eating and Exercise Back on Track.
The focus will be on the idea of knowing when to implement a change in your eating and workout habits.
When is a Good Time to Start Being Healthier?
Simply start: There need not be some type of momentous occasion to start change. Simply start. For some of us that change does not come until we are fed up (that is what happened to me) or a doctor says change or else. Whatever it is that gets you to that point, start.
Before it is too late: Do you have a family history of preventable diseases? Don't wait until the disease hits you too. Make adjustments to your lifestyle before your lifestyle causes that disease.
During an optimal time: Let's face it. Americans work some crazy hours – too many. And if it is not work keeping you running, it is the kids or something else. That begs the question, “When am I supposed to workout?” I throw this question back at you, “Is that an excuse?” Hear me out. When you throw out time spent on email, Facebook, Twitter, Snap Chat, etc., how much extra time do you have? Now add the the time spent watching television. That is a great deal of time back in your life. Clump that time together, then find the optimal time in your day to make working out a priority. When it comes to eating, eat in three hour shifts. Start the day with breakfast. Between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner have a healthy snack. Do this every three hours. Stay on this. Bring your food to meetings.
Anytime throughout your day: You many not be losing time on social media. Your life may be consumed with work and commuting. I get that. For you, the best you can do is fit in the workouts where you can. Fit it in where you can get it in is what I like to say. If you can only do 5-10 minutes at a time, do that two to three times throughout your day. Do exercises at your desk or with a group of coworkers. YouTube is only a click away to find some exercises to do in office spaces.
Implement Your Change Today
As I hope you saw, now is the time to start being healthier. Make your health a priority. There will be challenges, but your determination is what will sustain you. Discipline will drive you. So when you start being healthier starts with you.
Tell me what you do: When do you make time to be a healthier or where are you struggling with making the time? Share in the comments, on Facebook, or Twitter.