Life Happens
Everyday that we are given the opportunity to continue to walk this earth life happens. Sometimes life happens in a way we do not like.
Think about the last time something happened in your life that you did not like or that did not go as planned. What types of emotions did you go through? How did you handle the situation?
We all have our own way of coping with what happens in our lives. Some people are real chill not allowing anything to get to them. I do not know such a person, but there are people out there like that. Hey, you may be one of them. If so, tell me your secret.
Conversely, there are others of us who we are a ball of emotions. We have our highs and our lows. We get angry, frustrated, or sad. We feel disappointed or cheated. Quite honestly, there is nothing wrong with having those feelings. We are human after all. It is good to let out those emotions.
Once you let out those emotions though, how do you get a better handle on them? Or are you the type to allow your emotions to handle you?
In this video I share a brief life happens moment with you. I let you in on my emotions. I tell you how your emotions can affect you and I give recommendations on how to handle what is happening to you. This is key in allowing you to maintain optimal physical and mental health.
Start the Discussion: How do you cope when life happens. Share in the post comments, on Facebook or Twitter.