I AM Going to Succeed at This Healthy Eating Thing - This Time Your intensions are good. THIS time you are going to make this healthy eating thing work. At least, that is what you tell yourself. But then time happens. Your to-do list is a mile long. The last thing you want to think about …
weight gain
How to be Sure Healthy Items are on the Family Gathering Menu
What's on the Menu? Say you are having a family gathering. What is typically on the menu? I ask you this so that the next time you go to a family gathering that includes food (what family gathering doesn't involve food?) you are certain to have healthy options on the menu. To help you out, I …
3 Tips to Help You Dig Deep into Why You Eat When You Eat
Why Do You Eat When You Eat? Have you ever given thought to why you eat when you eat? I am not referring to eating because you are hungry or because we need to eat to sustain life. I am talking about when you keep eating even though you probably should have stopped a plate ago. I am talking about …