There is Nothing Crazy about Embracing Healthy Someone I know posted on Facebook that some people think she is crazy. Why? Because she dared to change her eating habits to a healthy lifestyle two weeks before Thanksgiving. I balked at the notion that she was crazy. In fact, I applauded …
What is the Best Way to Deal with Rejection?
Rejection can be delivered in a variety of forms. By phone, text, email, letter, or face-to-face. For example, I received an email that read as follows: Due to limited space in the email, we’re only able to feature about 20% of the books that get submitted to us. Our editors review …
3 Tips to Help You Dig Deep into Why You Eat When You Eat
Why Do You Eat When You Eat? Have you ever given thought to why you eat when you eat? I am not referring to eating because you are hungry or because we need to eat to sustain life. I am talking about when you keep eating even though you probably should have stopped a plate ago. I am talking about …