Don't Judge a Book (or Person) by the Cover
Someone presents you with a book titled Ballerina Body: Dancing and Eating Your Way to a Leaner, Stronger, and More Graceful You. Would you expect that, within those pages, would be words to empower you or to assist you through your life journey?
At first glance your answer would likely be “No.”
Maybe you would be empowered to be leaner and stronger. The jury is out on the possibility of being more graceful. But the book title, after all, suggests that it is a book about exercise and fitness.
Therefore, you likely would be led to believe the only thing differentiating it from other exercise and fitness books is the reference to ballerina body. A ballerina body is not your goal. So how could Ballerina Body possibly empower you or help you along your life journey?
The answer to that starts by not judging a book by its cover or looking from your perspective.
That is what I am realizing as I soak in Misty Copeland's book Ballerina Body: Dancing and Eating Your Way to a Leaner, Stronger, and More Graceful You.
She's Not Like You – Really?
Misty Copeland is the first African American principal ballerina in the history of the American Ballet Theatre. She is also an author.
It is safe to say Misty is most certainly not like me and I am willing to bet she is not like you either. That is to say, we are not trying to be accomplished dancers.
But you may be trying to break barriers, including the ones you create for yourself.
I know that, had I only considered her as an accomplished dancer, I would have missed out on how her journey empowers my own journey and possibly yours too.
So yes, I have no desire to be a ballerina, but from what I have read thus far of Misty's book, I know her journey and that ballerina body of hers inspires me.
Just from the beginning pages she reinforced my beliefs about dealing with doubt and how change, no matter how difficult, can create opportunity.
You will see what I mean in a moment.
What are You Doubting?
Misty being the first African American principal ballerina is major. Before Misty, there were no such images of women who looked like her. So to be a brown face in a space where that was not the norm was huge. It also brought with it self-doubt.
Additionally, watch almost any YouTube video on Misty Copeland and you will hear a familiar story. She started ballet at 13. Many believed that was too old to succeed in ballet.
Think about that for a moment.
Have you thought about a career change or going back to school or anything else unimaginable, but reconsidered because you doubted it was possible?
That is self-doubt speaking.
In the introduction, Misty briefly touched on self-doubt. And what she wrote you have probably heard before: work hard and persevere. For this ballerina those are more than mere words.
It was that line of thinking that rose Misty to the level of principal ballerina. So much for being too old.
So to those self-doubts, have them, but do not allow them to stop your journey. Work hard and persevere.
Change is Never Easy
Note what Misty said if you still have doubts. “Change is not easy.” Speaking in the context of exercise and nutrition, she said it took her years to find the balance.
Some of us also take years to find balance in our lives or the break we need to get to where we desire to be.
Here is what I found empowering, mostly because it is a belief that I share with Misty. It is never too late to make change happen. That is hard to see when we get caught up in our situation. However, when the dust settles and we pause for station identification, we can make change happen.
Most importantly, and I love this, she says that every day gives us the opportunity to rededicate ourselves to our ongoing journey.
Start everyday rededicating yourself to change that will propel you to where you want to be.
She's Not Like You but Her Journey Will Empower You
Now that I have shared what this, do you see what I mean about how it will empower you?
I see it as a book by a woman who became a ballerina in spite of being seen as too old, and, for some, too brown. And though her being a ballerina is in no way like me, or possibly you, how she embraced self-doubt and dealt with change empowers me.
Get her book. Let it empower your journey too.
Oh yeah, and while you're at it, become a healthier, stronger, and leaner you too.
Share your story: What doubts are you going to reconsider and what changes will you start making to see a difference? Share in the post comments.