Challenges Set Before You: What Would You Do?
Below I place you in a real life story. As you read it, pay attention to how you were challenged, the obstacles you faced, and your role in what happened.
Then, I want you to think about how you really would have handled the situation by asking yourself the following questions:
- What would I have done that was the same as in the story?
- What would I have handled differently?
- Who would I have held responsible for what happened in the story?
- What lessons did I learn regarding challenges, obstacles, adversity, and accountability?
- What did I take away from the story?
- What lessons will I apply to my life from the story?
The Story Begins: What Do You Do?
After going through airport security you head towards your gate to discover your flight does not leave from any of the gates in that part of the terminal.
That's right, you went through the full security procedure at the wrong gate. Shouldn't the security agents have noticed you were at the wrong area for your airline from the boarding pass?
You check the time. Not good. Your flight should be boarding.
What do you do?
Do You Hit the Panic Button?

You, along with your traveling companion, race through the terminal to the correct security entrance, which is on the other end of the terminal!
You reach the TSA agent, then pull out your phone to bring up your boarding pass.
Wait. What? Why is only your connecting flight information available?
“No worries,” you think to yourself. “I am smart. I took a screen shot of the boarding pass.”
“What? Why? Why is it not there? I know I took a screen shot!”
As you are about to panic when you tell yourself, “Don't panic.”

Are You Exercising Faith, Refusing to Give Up or Both?
You are not alone in this. Do you tell your companion to go on without you, or do you ask her to stay with you?
You plead for her to run ahead. “Go! Don't wait. I will meet you in St. Croix,” you insist.
While she reluctantly heads through security, you run to the ticket kiosk. A flimsy sheet of white paper comes out, “Unfortunately, you've missed the check-in window for your flight.”

Do You Possess Persistence?
“This is going to work out. Even if I arrive really late, I will still get there,” you think to yourself.
You race over to the ticket counter where the agent tells you all she can do is put you on standby for the next flight. Slightly dejected, but grateful, you get your ticket.
Still unwilling to give up on the original flight, which should be leaving, you run to security, do all the modern pleasantries of removing your shoes, placing your laptop in its own bin, and getting scanned.
Your mind races through how the remainder of the day will play out and about how arriving late at your destination is much better than not making it all.
A text message comes through on your phone disrupting your thoughts.
“They just let someone else on,” it reads.

Does Your Persistence Pay Off?

You grab your belongings from the belt, not bothering to put back on your shoes or belt, then take off running to the gate. You do a very quick inventory of your belongings and continue running. As you approach the gate, an announcement bellows throughout the room, “Last boarding call for..” when you hear your name.
You run up to the counter, bag on your shoulder, sneakers and belt in hand, breathless, slightly in shock, but ever so grateful, as you say, “That's me.”
The agent takes your now ticket for a later flight, quickly lets the other agents know she had already taken care of you. She presses the door combination to open the door to the jetway.
In your furry you begin to run again, but the agent assures you that you can relax. You slow to walking, repeatedly thanking the agent. In fact, you want to hug and kiss her, but that may be inappropriate, you think.
How Much Can You Handle?
Flight attendants stand smiling as you walk through the doors of the plane, then you graciously thank everyone, God and Jesus. You even apologize to the people on the plane, believing you were holding them up from leaving.
You spot your companion who you believed you would be meeting several hours later at your final destination.
You take your seat, you delight in being reunited with your companion much sooner than expected, then open up your bag.
You don't want to see what you see, but your eyes are not playing tricks on you.
No laptop.
What Do You Do? To Be Continued…
That is how I started the story. As you can see, the story has legs, but life is like that sometimes, isn't it? What matters most is how you handle these life scenarios, even the ones that you are responsible for causing.
Now, don't hate me too much. I will let you know what happened next in the post next week. What I want you to do until then, is review the questions I originally asked. I will put them below. Have a discussion and share this post with people that you know. Ask them what they would do.
- What would I have done that was the same as in the story?
- What would I have handled differently?
- Who would I have held responsible for what happened in the story?
- What lessons did I learn regarding challenges, obstacles, adversity, and accountability?
- What did I take away from the story?
- What lessons will I apply to my life from the story?
Start the Discussion. What do you think happened next? Note: The jetway has been pulled away from the plane and the doors are now closed. Was there a complete melt down? Share in the post comments, on Facebook or Twitter.