What in the World was Happening?
I looked down at my belly. I saw something new and disturbing. I looked like I was two to three months pregnant when I was not pregnant at all. What I was was extremely bloated.
Looking through my home office desk, profanities started flying out of my mouth. I was about to miss another bus. I was yelling not at someone else, but at myself. I had become extremely frustrated that I could not find papers I needed to fill out for my colonoscopy the next morning. Seriously? All of that over some misplaced forms?
I was sitting at my desk at work. As each new request for assistance from coworkers came through I felt myself boiling inside. I was like water boiling in a kettle. My top was about to blow.
Late one day. Ok, no big deal. Five days late. Oh, come on!! By day seven I had nearly lost my mind.
Even with at least four days of exercise split between running and weight training my clothes were fitting tighter. What the deuce?!!
I was frustrated one moment and depressed another.
One moment I was putting on socks and a sweatshirt on a summer night. Two minutes later, I was dripping with sweat beads on my head, requesting that, in addition to the air conditioning, the fan also be turned on.
Something was happening to me. I was feeling defeated, but what, exactly, was happening?
With Age Comes Change – Don't Let it Defeat You
My biology was changing. I knew the time would come, but I never expected I would become a near crazy woman, an emotional wreck getting upset at the slightest of things.
That was, however, exactly what that thing called menopause – or in my case, perimenopause – was doing to me.
The more that happened to me, the more I felt like I was fighting a losing battle.
I was not myself and it was bothering me.
I am in the very beginning stages of perimenopause. That means I have a lot more years to deal with the symptoms. I can either succumb to those symptoms or I can make certain to not let menopause defeat me. I am choosing the latter. I highly recommend you do the same.
Here is why.
If you allow menopause to defeat you, there is a chance you will end up like the woman referenced in this comment from my post There is No Magic Wand: Ditch the Body Wrap – frustrated and gaining significant weight.
When we gain significant weight we increase our risk of preventable health issues such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes. Therefore, it is in our best interest to become informed to help prevent such risks.
How Can You Fight Menopause?
Since I am in beginning phases of this life change, I still have much to learn. Even so, here are action items that I propose. Some of these you can do even if you are not going through or around menopause now or if you are a man.
Be prepared. By knowing what can happen to our bodies as we age, being prepared for the aging process will help you fight off its ill effects before they get out of hand. Preparation includes knowing what to expect and recognizing what is happening to you, then doing something about what is happening to you sooner rather than later.
Do your research. Spend time getting to know symptoms and the available alternatives to address the symptoms. I am doing my best to focus on solutions that do not cause further risk and that will address the problem, not the symptoms.
Below are some links that I have found during my search:
Diseases and Conditions Perimenopause
Women’s Menopause Health & Wellness Online
Be honest with yourself. As we get older our bodies do not react the same way to our diet. What you ate in your twenties will react differently when you are thirty and older. So if you are eating the same diet as you have been for years, assess that diet. Does it need changing? Is it laden with processed foods? If so, change your diet habits.
Make modifications. I ended above by stating that if your diet needs changing be sure to change it. The links that I shared above give suggestions of what types of foods to eat and to avoid. As for me, I have cut back on my coffee intake. I am trading in the coffee for more water and green tea. I am also eating more legumes and vegetables and taking a chill on the occasional and sometimes too often bag of Deep River Kettle Cooked Potato Chips.
Talk to your doctor. Unless you are a doctor, do not play doctor. I spoke to my doctor about the rage. My next conversation is to talk to her about the severe bloating. I would also like to know if there are tests to know if my self-diagnosis of perimenopause is correct.
Start the discussion: What signs of aging are troubling you and your way of life? What are you doing to keep them from defeating you? Share in the post comments, on Facebook or Twitter.