There is No Magic Wand for Weight Loss Don’t you wish there was a magic wand that you could circle around a couple of times, then POOF! You instantly are at your desired weight with your dream body? We know that is not possible, but everyday people are searching for quick fixes to losing weight …
losing weight
Why Strength Training Benefits You Sooner than Later
You Should Lose Weight Before Adding Strength Training, Really? At a recent family and friends gathering in a local park, as I made my way over to the grill to put salmon on it, I overheard these words, " no no, you should lose weight first, then focus on weight and toning." Have you ever …
Weight Loss: 4 Tips to Help You Maintain Yours for Good!
Weight Loss Celebration In August of 2002 I stood proudly tanned from the summer sun, in my then apartment, striking my best body builder pose. The picture was to celebrate me losing 50 pounds. It had been the first time in my life that I had gained weight, other than the freshman 15 that I had …