Opening Case for the Misfit
The nerd in me loves gadgets. Tracking my activities during my weight loss journey gave me an excuse to purchase a toy to assist with that. In this age of technology there are all types of gadgets, gizmos, and devices available to track activity, steps, and calories burned. I want to share one of my favorite gadgets for fitness tracking. You may be most familiar with one such device called the Fitbit. Heck, you may be wearing one right now. I used to have one myself until I found something much better to take its place. In this post I will make the case for trading in your Fitbit, or other tracking device, for a Misfit.

Case 1: Style
You are dressed to the nines, looking good from head to toe until you put on that clunky looking rubber thingy. You thought that getting a colorful one would help to not detract from your look, but such is not the case. You went from looking sharp to “what in the world was she thinking wearing that monstrosity with that lovely outfit?”
You then begrudgingly decide to forgo tracking calories and steps for the evening. Too bad you do because the calories you will burn from the dancing you will be doing won't be counted, thus moving you out of first place in your Who Can Burn the Most Calories and Take the Most Steps challenge with your friends.
Yes, I am talking about your Fitbit. I am not trying to hurt your feelings, but you know like I do that thing is ugly and lacks style. With the Misfit you can track your calories and steps in style. Not only does the Misfit rubber band come in an assortment of colors, but they also have leather and metal mesh bands. There are other styles too. Move on to the second case for the Misfit to learn more.

Case 2: Versatility
Maybe your Fitbit wouldn't be so bad if you could conceal it. Oh, that's right, you can only wear the Fitbit on your wrist. If you had a Misfit people would be looking at you with intrigued wonderment. “Ooo is that a watch?” “I love your necklace.” “Wow! That bracelet is beautiful!” Have you ever heard such glowing words about the Fitbit?

Not only can the Misfit be worn on your wrist as a watch or bracelet or around your neck as a necklace, it can also be worn on the the following places: – Your top – On a tie – On the collar of a shirt – On a jacket lapel – On the top of a pair of shorts or pants – On shoelaces.
Case 3: No Charging
You worked your tail off. Proud of yourself, you look at your Fitbit to see how many calories you burned. “Dang blasted!!” you shout. The charge died. AGAIN!
With the Misfit, charging is not necessary, as it comes with a battery that lasts up to six months. If, on that night out when you needed to leave the Fitbit beyond, losing ground in your challenge, you happened to be wearing violet, you could have worn the solar powered violet Swarovski Shine bracelet.
More Cases for the Misfit
Take a look at this video about the Misfit. Note: the syncing process with the iPhone has changed since the way demonstrated in the video. There is no longer a need to place the misfit on your phone. Nice!
[youtube width=”510″ height=”405″][/youtube]
Activity Monitor and More
With the Misfit you can set a daily activity goal, track your steps, calories, and distance. You can also track your sleep and weight with the Misfit.
The Misfit is available as an app on iOS (i.e. iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad) and Android devices.
Misfit partners with several apps which allowing you to sync with your Misfit. This includes apps such as MyFitnessPal, Runkeeper, and Digifit.

The Ultimate Case
Above I plead the case for why you should consider the Misfit. I stand by the Misfit because I love it! I had the Fitbit, got frustrated with it because it would not hold a charge, then turned to the Misfit Shine. Is it perfect? No. Like with most technology it has its hiccups. My frustration with it right now is after one of the app updates it tracks me as swimming when I clearly have not been swimming. In addition, some sort of alarm sets off in the afternoon. Aside from those minor issues, it is a pretty awesome tracker. I highly recommend it.
Start the Discussion: What is your favorite tool to track your activity? Share in the post comments, on Facebook or Twitter.