The 5-Day FREE Get Moving Challenge is closed join the Wait List!

The 5-Day FREE Get Moving Challenge is closed. Join the Wait List!

Make movement happen in your life, even if you work 40+ hours a week. - The Get Moving Challenge opens in the Fall of 2019.

Make movement happen in your life, even if you work 40+ hours a week. The Get Moving Challenge opens in the Fall of 2019.

5 Ways to Start Moving,  even if you work 40+ hours a week

Day 1

​Tell Yourself Something Good

What we tell ourselves is the difference between moving and not moving. Discover how to get moving by what you tell yourself.

Day 1

​Tell Yourself Something Good

What we tell ourselves is the difference between moving and not moving. Discover how to get moving by what you tell yourself.

Day 2

​​​The Face of Exercise

One size does not fit all. Find out what exercise looks like for you.

​The Face of Exercise

One size does not fit all. Find out what exercise looks like for you.

Day 2

Day 3

​What the Kitchen is Missin'

The kitchen plays a major role in our health, but there are things it can’t do. Discover what getting moving can do, that the kitchen is missing.

Day 3

​What the Kitchen is Missin'

The kitchen plays a major role in our health, but there are things it can’t do. Discover what getting moving can do, that the kitchen is missing.

Day 4

​​​Gettin’ It in on a Workday

Sometimes we get stuck behind a desk all day. Does that mean we can’t get exercise into our day? Find out the answer on Day 4.

​Gettin’ It in on a Workday

Sometimes we get stuck behind a desk all day. Does that mean we can’t get exercise into our day? Find out the answer on Day 4.

Day 4

Day 5

​​Greater than Zero Formula

Discover one of the five challenges as to why people don’t exercise, that is actual a mistake.

Day 5

​​Greater than Zero Formula

Discover one of the five challenges as to why people don’t exercise, that is actual a mistake.
