Negativity Should be a Bad Thing, Right? Negativity means the expression of criticism of or pessimism about something. What is good about that? Well, it all depends on how you view negativity. You see, we all have choices. When something negative happens or is said to us, we can choose to …
Smile: It Makes Everything Better
What Makes Everything Better? Think of those moments when you have felt down, sad, overwhelmed, or confused. What did you use to help you through that moment? I figured out a long time ago a way to make you feel better every single time. Even when you do not want this to work, it works. What I am …
3 Alternatives to Giving Up
Why Bother? You Ask What has been your response to those situations in your life when you have tried and tried to get a chance to prove myself, to implement a new idea, or to improve a process, but you were faced with a barrier, bad timing, something being held against you, or the word no? If you …