Grocery Shopping Makeover: Are You in Need of One?
Do you go grocery shopping promising yourself you will not bring home foods you know will expand your waistline, but fail miserably?
You, my friend, are in need of a grocery shopping makeover.
Below are five grocery shopping makeover tips that will help you keep the Edy's ice cream, Oreo cookies, and Ruffles potato chips at the store in exchange for healthier and nutrient rich foods.
Healthy Grocery Shopping Makeover Tips
1. Eat first. Go grocery shopping after eating. You will be less likely to put in your basket what you should not be eating.

2. Prepare a list. Like with eating first, having a list of what you need before you get to the grocery store will help you refrain from the not so healthy stuff.

3. Read labels. Don't be fooled by packages that read, “Low fat”, “Low sodium”, “Only 100 calories.” Pay attention to the amount of calories, sugar, fat, and sodium to see if there is any hidden badness.

4. Get the Fooducate app. The app is available for the iPhone and Android devices. If you are unsure about the food labels, let this app assist you. Your shopping experience may take a little longer, but taking the time to fooducate yourself is well worth it.

5. Shop the perimeter. Spend more time shopping the perimeter. This is where fresh items such as fresh produce, meat, and seafood will be found.
How do you make certain that your grocery shopping cart is full with more healthy goodness than it is with the not so healthy? Share your comments below, on Facebook or on Twitter.