There is No Magic Wand for Weight Loss Don’t you wish there was a magic wand that you could circle around a couple of times, then POOF! You instantly are at your desired weight with your dream body? We know that is not possible, but everyday people are searching for quick fixes to losing weight …
Self Growth
Smile: It Makes Everything Better
What Makes Everything Better? Think of those moments when you have felt down, sad, overwhelmed, or confused. What did you use to help you through that moment? I figured out a long time ago a way to make you feel better every single time. Even when you do not want this to work, it works. What I am …
Why Good Enough is Great!
Do You Know a Never Good Enough Person? Are you the person or do you know of a person where good is never good enough? I am talking about that person where every last detail must be in place or the person who must know everything before doing anything. That type of person has a name. We call that …