What Can Make You Want to Give Up? You know what you want. You start working hard to obtain it. It seems, however, that no matter what you do, no matter how many adjustments you make, or how much you try, what you want is not panning out. You are not getting the results that you want. As you think …
You’re No Fool Relax You are on the Right Path
Where has Your Path Taken You? Have you ever sat questioning your path in life? I have, many times. A few years ago I recall sitting in my cubicle at work. I was nearing my 45th birthday. Unlike with most birthdays, I was not excited about my ensuing birthday. No, this time I was feeling …
Everybody Likes to Eat: Pam and Kelly Talk Eating Habits
Facebook Live Eating Habits Chat How do you feel about your eating habits? Could they be better? Recently, after a workout in the park with my personal trainer, Gail Williams of Simply Fitness, Kelly and I were discussing how people struggle with eating. Our assessment was, people struggle …