Why Do This to Yourself?
Have you ever considered running a marathon? How about a half marathon?
It was several years ago when a friend suggested I run one. Had we been in the presence of one another rather than over the phone, I would have certainly given her the “Woman are you %*$#*@ crazy?!” look. Instead, I said it to her.
As I stated, that was several years ago. Since that day I have run countless half marathons and a marathon.
After my last half marathon, I said to myself the same thing I said after completing the marathon before that, “Why do you do this to yourself?”
As I reflected on that, I came up with 5 reasons to train for and run a half marathon. So if you have never considered running a half marathon, a 10k, a 5k, or any other type of run besides running away from danger, let these reasons help you reconsider.
5 Reasons to Run a Half Marathon
Recall as you read the reasons to run a half marathon that there was a time when I thought doing such a thing was nuts. I also did not think I could do it.
1. It is challenging. I am down to running one half marathon a year, but every year I put myself through the training regime. Why? It is a challenge. Running in bitterly cold weather, when you don't feel like running, or when you think you have no more to give is a challenge. Challenges help us grow. In this case, we grow physically and mentally.
2. To lose weight. My friend suggested training for a half marathon because I had hit a plateau. I worked out regularly and ate healthy, but I was no longer losing weight. Let me tell you, training for my first half marathon changed that in no time. One reason was because there was a major change in my workout. The other reason was because the increase in miles was intense.
3. You like recognition. We all like to be rewarded differently. Some of us thrive off of recognition. Race day supporters recognize you with their cheers of support. Complete strangers cheer for you. Friends and family think you're crazy, but they also recognize you're doing something they would never consider doing.
4. You're half way to running a marathon. I know. Slow your roll Pam. You are just warming up to running a half marathon. That marathon talk is over the top. Hey, I am putting it out there as an option since you will be half way there. Look at it this way, it is yet another challenge.
5. It's an accomplishment. Imagine for a moment the euphoria of completing something you never thought possible. It feels good, doesn't it? That is what it feels like to complete a half marathon. It is an amazing feeling of accomplishment. Also, it is a reminder of how truly rewarding fighting through pain, self-doubt, and challenges can be.
When is Your Half Marathon?
So find a race several weeks out from now and start training. And if you are not ready to run 13.1 miles, start with a shorter race.
The bottom line is this: there are moments in life that are as daunting as a half marathon. Keep challenging yourself and you will accomplish great things.
Your turn. What for you is like training for a half marathon? Share in the post comments.